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Fungal Infections Treatment & Pharmacy

What are Fungal Infections?

Fungal diseases, also known as Mycoses, are caused by fungi that are common in the environment. A fungus is a primitive organism that lives in air, soil, plants, water, and the human body. Because fungi live in almost everything, it is very easy for anyone to contract a fungal skin infection in varying extremes. A mild skin fungal infection can look like a rash or a common skin condition called “athlete’s foot”, while some can affect the lungs and bloodstream causing diseases such as the flu and tuberculosis. At our fungal infection pharmacy, we have solutions to help fight the condition.

Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nail infections are the most common fungal infections. Approximately 10% of Americans have a toenail fungus which increases to about 20% when you reach 60 years of age or older. Yeasts or molds are typically the cause of a fungal nail infection. Small cracks in your nails create an opening for these small germs to enter. Symptoms for nail infections can be very easy to spot because of their yellow or brown discoloration.

Fungal Nail Infection Treatment

There are some ways to prevent a fungal nail infection including, keeping your hands and feet clean and dry, keeping your nails short and clipping them often, and keeping shoes on when entering locker rooms or public showers/bathrooms.

The most common skin fungal infections are:

  • Tinea Pedis, found on the bottoms of your feet, also known as “athlete’s foot.”
  • Tinea Manuum, found on the hands.
  • Tinea Cruris, found in the groin area, also known as “jock itch.”
  • Tinea Corporis, also known as Ringworm.
  • Cutaneous Candidiasis, also known as a yeast infection.
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Ringworm is another very common and contagious itchy fungal infection. It gets its name because of its itchy, red, circular rash, not because it is an actual worm. One of the most common areas to find a ringworm infection is the bottom of the foot, also known as “athlete’s foot.”

It is most common for people with weakened immune systems to contract Ringworm as well as athletes, particularly those involved in contact sports such as wrestling. Researchers suggest the best way to prevent the spread of a common fungal infection like Ringworm is to keep your hands and feet clean, wear shoes in locker rooms and showers, change your socks and underwear daily, and stay away from sharing towels, shoes, and other personal items. Our ringworm pharmacy has treatment solutions to help with this infection.

Ringworm Fungal Infection

How are fungal infections treated?

Most fungal infections are very treatable with topical antifungal medications and topical antibiotics.

  • Topical Antifungal Medications – This topical treatment is applied directly to the skin to help treat fungal infections.
  • Topical Antibiotics – The two most common over the counter topical antibiotics are Bacitracin and Neosporin.

Ingredients Recommended by Our Pharmacists

Our dermatology pharmacists recommend using products that have the following ingredients to help with treating fungal infections:

  • Econazole
  • Ketoconazole
  • Finasteride

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