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a patient and a pharmacist in an acne pharmacy

What is Acne?

It is a common misconception to believe that acne only includes pimples. Acne can also include:
  • Blackheads (open comedones)
  • Whiteheads (closed comedones)
  • Papules (red bumps)
  • Pustules (red bumps with white centers, what many people call pimples)
  • Cysts
  • Nodules

Acne can show up on the face, chest, back, shoulders, neck and upper arms. While acne affects mostly teenagers, and almost all teenagers have some form of acne, adults of any age can also have mild or severe acne to cystic acne which can potentially have psychological effects such as anxiety and depression.

What triggers Acne? Our acne pharmacy has solutions to pimples like these

What triggers Acne?

An extremely common diagnosis, nearly 85% of all adolescents experience acne in a form of blackhead or pimple at some point. A person can be more at risk for developing acne if they are genetically predisposed to acne prone skin. Acne will first appear when pores clog. Clogged pores can occur from dead skin cells or oily skin. The clog begins with dead skin cells. Typically, dead skin cells are shed daily. Normal skin also naturally creates sebum, which is a critical oil that helps our skin from drying out. When sebum production is increased during life phases, the extra oil can cause dead cells to stick together, trapping them in the pores. Within pores, bacteria have the ultimate environment for multiplying quickly, especially if there is excessive oil. The perfect storm of bacteria and oil within the pore leads to skin irritation and becomes inflamed. This can cause an acne cyst or nodule to form.

Contact Us

Acne is the most common skin condition in the US, affecting 40-50 million Americans

While it occurs most often in teens and young adults, acne does not discriminate. Newborns, children, and even menopausal women can get acne. Virtually everyone living with acne can potentially achieve clear skin. Medical advances have been made to include well-known treatments and new acne medication.

Acne treatment img

How is Acne Treated?

Dermatologists tailor the course of treatment toward each patient in order to provide the best acne treatment possible. To best treat your specific case, you may need more than one treatment. This is called combination therapy and may yield the best results.

Some of the most common treatments regarding acne include the use of:

  • A topical treatment in cream or gel form which can help decrease the visibility of acne.
  • An Antibiotic – Both topical antibiotic and oral antibiotic tablets can be used to help clear the bacteria that causes acne.
  • Oral contraceptive pills (birth control pills) – These pills must contain estrogen hormones which help to decrease the circulation of androgens, which in turn, decreases the production of sebum.
  • Procedure-based treatments – These can consist of chemical peels, microdermabrasion and cortisone shots.
  • Acne Wash – A facial cleanser or unique spot treatment to help unclog pores and potentially relieve mild acne.

Your dermatologist will counsel you on what will work best for your specific case.


What are the Best Ingredients?

  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Adapalene
  • Clindamycin
  • Spironolactone
Dermatology Medications

How can acne scars be treated?

Once your acne is being treated and is under control, your dermatologist can begin treatment for any scarring on the skin type that you may have. They use lasers, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, fillers, and other procedures to lessen the appearance of acne scars. A successful outcome often is born from a customized treatment plan. For more information about how our acne pharmacy can help, get in touch today. One of our pharmacists will help provide acne creams, medications, and treatment solutions based on your condition and skin irritation.

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